Where were revolutions located between 1840 and 1860, based on article titles from Dutch and English newspapers?

The Dutch dataset was constructed querying Delpher on the keyword ‘revolutie’ for the period 1840-1860, with OCR confidence between 80-100 per cent. Since Delpher has no bulk download option, we’ve instead used I-Analyzer (developed by the DH Lab at Utrecht University). This tool allows to query and download Delpher search results for this period. If you want to construct the same dataset from Delpher, you can copy/paste this URL into your browser

The same method has been used to fetch English articles from The Times, for the same period. Only addition is to exclude articles mentioning “industrial”, since “industrial revolution” was also an often used term this period.

To plot the locations mentioned in the article titles several steps are needed: Named Entity Recognition, extracting the locations, geocoding these, and obtaining a map to plot them. Here we’ve used (mainly) R for this, but Python would work as well.

Apart from having R installed, you’ll also need a python executable with spaCy installed, and the corresponding Dutch language model. If you opt for a Google Map you’ll also need a Google API key for its Maps platform. This is free as long as you don’t exceed $200 in API calls a month (which usually does’t happen).

First we load the required libraries and the Delpher dataset.


revol <- fread("C:\\Users\\Schal107\\Documents\\UBU\\Team DH\\Delpher\\dutchnewspapers-public_query=revolutie_date=1840-01-01 1860-12-31_ocr=80 100_sort=date,desc.csv")

Let’s keep only the variables we want to continue to work with. And inspect the first rows of this subset. You’ll already notice the mentioning of “FRANKRIJK” (France) and “WEENEN” (Vienna) here.

x <- revol[,c("date", "article_title", "url")]
##          date                                        article_title
## 1: 1848-10-13           REVOLUTIE IN WEENEN OP DEN 6 EN 7 OCTOBER.
## 2: 1848-10-13                             ZWITSERLAND. BERN 8 Oct.
## 3: 1848-10-13                                Brussel , 11 October.
## 4: 1848-10-12                FRANKRIJK. PARIJS, den 8sten October.
## 5: 1848-10-12 Een blik op FrankrijKs consti- tuerende vergadering.
## 6: 1848-10-10                        LONDEN. 7 October ('savonds).
## 7: 1848-10-10                        FRANKRIJK. PARIJS, 3 October.
## 8: 1848-10-10                                         DUITSCHLAND.
##                                                             url
## 1: http://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=ddd:010772343:mpeg21:a0051
## 2: http://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=ddd:010779162:mpeg21:a0002
## 3: http://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=ddd:010067138:mpeg21:a0009
## 4: http://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=ddd:010174429:mpeg21:a0001
## 5: http://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=ddd:010151491:mpeg21:a0001
## 6: http://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=ddd:010519531:mpeg21:a0007
## 7: http://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=ddd:010772342:mpeg21:a0017
## 8: http://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=ddd:010929387:mpeg21:a0008

Not required for now, but below demonstrates how to extract years from the date variable.

x$date <- as.Date(x$date)
x[, year := as.numeric(substr(x$date, 1,4))]
x[, .N, list(year)][order(-year)][1:10]
##     year    N
##  1: 1860 1006
##  2: 1859  806
##  3: 1858  290
##  4: 1857  321
##  5: 1856  471
##  6: 1855  217
##  7: 1854  317
##  8: 1853  328
##  9: 1852  290
## 10: 1851  404

For better Named Entity Recognition we will change the article_title variable to lower case strings. SpaCy has the tendency to recognize uppercase strings as corporations.

x$article_title <- tolower(x$article_title)

Now we need to call in action the Dutch language model from spaCy to perform NER. If you want to replicate this analysis, you need to have this installed on your local machine. Read the website for installation instructions.

spacy_initialize(model = "nl_core_news_sm")

Below we parse the article_title to SpaCy and perform NER. You’ll see that it has recognized at least some locations.

parsedtxt <- spacy_parse(x$article_title, lemma = FALSE, entity = TRUE, nounphrase = TRUE)

locations <- entity_extract(parsedtxt)

top100 <- locations[entity_type == "GPE", .N, list(entity) ][order(-N)]

##       entity    N
## 1: frankrijk 1013
## 2:    parijs  883
## 3: amsterdam  697
## 4:   brussel  107
## 5:   utrecht  106
## 6:    londen   97

Before we can plot them on a map, we need to add coordinates to the placenames. We’ll use the Google Maps API for that. Notice that you will need your own key to do so. You can register for a free API key at Google.

google_key <- fread("C:\\Users\\Schal107\\Documents\\UBU\\Team DH\\Delpher\\google_key.txt")
register_google(key = paste0(google_key$key))

coordinates <- geocode(top100$entity)

## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##      lon   lat
##    <dbl> <dbl>
## 1  2.21   46.2
## 2  2.35   48.9
## 3  4.90   52.4
## 4  4.36   50.8
## 5  5.12   52.1
## 6 -0.128  51.5

After the geocoding we merge the retrieved coordinates with the placenames.

coordinates_delpher <- cbind(top100, coordinates)
##       entity    N        lon      lat
## 1: frankrijk 1013  2.2137490 46.22764
## 2:    parijs  883  2.3522219 48.85661
## 3: amsterdam  697  4.9041389 52.36757
## 4:   brussel  107  4.3571696 50.84764
## 5:   utrecht  106  5.1214201 52.09074
## 6:    londen   97 -0.1275862 51.50722

Now we’ll do the same for articles from The Times

You can reconstruct the Times dataset using this I-analyzer URL.

times <- fread("C:\\Users\\Schal107\\Documents\\UBU\\Team DH\\Delpher\\times_query=revolution_-_industrial_date=1840-01-01 1860-12-31_ocr=80 100.csv")
## [1] "edition"  "issue"    "volume"   "date-pub" "content"  "title"    "ocr"     
## [8] "id"

Now we’ll perform Named Entity Recognition and geocoding on the English titles.

spacy_initialize(model = "en_core_web_sm")
parsedtxt2 <- spacy_parse(times$title, lemma = FALSE, entity = TRUE, nounphrase = TRUE)
locations2 <- entity_extract(parsedtxt2)

times_locations <- locations2[entity_type == "GPE", .N, list(entity) ][order(-N)]
##       entity   N
## 1:    Friday 147
## 2: Wednesday  98
## 3:   Ireland  87
## 4:  Thursday  47
## 5:     India  40
## 6:    Madrid  29
coordinates_times <- geocode(times_locations$entity)
coordinates_times <- cbind(times_locations, coordinates_times)
##       entity   N       lon      lat
## 1:    Friday 147        NA       NA
## 2: Wednesday  98        NA       NA
## 3:   Ireland  87 -7.692054 53.14237
## 4:  Thursday  47        NA       NA
## 5:     India  40 78.962880 20.59368
## 6:    Madrid  29 -3.703790 40.41678

We now have two datasets with placenames and coordinates together with the number of times these places appeared in newspaper titles. Before plotting, we remove locations without coordinates.

coordinates_times[, dataset := "times",]
coordinates_delpher[, dataset := "delpher"]
setnames(coordinates_times, "N", "n_times")
setnames(coordinates_delpher, "N", "n_delpher")

setnames(coordinates_times, "entity", "entity_times")
setnames(coordinates_delpher, "entity", "entity_delpher")

coordinates_times <- coordinates_times[!is.na(lon),]
coordinates_delpher <- coordinates_delpher[!is.na(lon),]

Final: plot coordinates from Delpher and Times on a map

Now we’ll need a map! You can use the standard Google Map and define a centre using latitute and longitude. However, for historical data I like to remove roads and names from the map. You can do that by making your own map at Google Mapstyle. With the same API key as you’ve use for the geocoding, you can export the URL of your map of choice, and paste it below in the function get_googlemap. For some reason, though, you first need to extract the lat and long from this URL, and the zoom level (see below). Then you paste the remaining URL from the first mention of ‘&maptype’ behind path = (don’t forget to include it in quotes). Then it should work!

europe5 <- get_googlemap(center=c(lon=10.95931966568949, lat=48.561877580811775), zoom = 4, path = "&maptype=roadmap&style=element:geometry%7Ccolor:0xf5f5f5&style=element:labels%7Cvisibility:off&style=element:labels.icon%7Cvisibility:off&style=element:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x616161&style=element:labels.text.stroke%7Ccolor:0xf5f5f5&style=feature:administrative.land_parcel%7Cvisibility:off&style=feature:administrative.land_parcel%7Celement:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0xbdbdbd&style=feature:administrative.neighborhood%7Cvisibility:off&style=feature:landscape.natural.terrain%7Ccolor:0xffffff%7Cvisibility:on%7Cweight:4&style=feature:landscape.natural.terrain%7Celement:geometry.fill%7Cvisibility:on%7Cweight:4&style=feature:landscape.natural.terrain%7Celement:geometry.stroke%7Cvisibility:on&style=feature:poi%7Celement:geometry%7Ccolor:0xeeeeee&style=feature:poi%7Celement:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x757575&style=feature:poi.park%7Celement:geometry%7Ccolor:0xe5e5e5&style=feature:poi.park%7Celement:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x9e9e9e&style=feature:road%7Cvisibility:off&style=feature:road%7Celement:geometry%7Ccolor:0xffffff&style=feature:road.arterial%7Celement:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x757575&style=feature:road.highway%7Celement:geometry%7Ccolor:0xdadada&style=feature:road.highway%7Celement:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x616161&style=feature:road.local%7Celement:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x9e9e9e&style=feature:transit.line%7Celement:geometry%7Ccolor:0xe5e5e5&style=feature:transit.station%7Celement:geometry%7Ccolor:0xeeeeee&style=feature:water%7Celement:geometry%7Ccolor:0xc9c9c9&style=feature:water%7Celement:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x9e9e9e&size=480x360")

Now that we have our map loaded, we parse it to ggmap. Then we can add our data to it. The size of the dots corresponds to the number of times the geocoded placename is mentioned in our article titles. You’ll see that Paris and France are dominant, but also that we spot some unexpected places in Italy and even Eastern Europe.

p <- ggmap(europe5)
times <- p + geom_point(data = coordinates_times, aes(x=lon, y=lat, size=(n_times)), shape=16, color = "red")

p <- ggmap(europe5)
delpher <- p + geom_point(data = coordinates_delpher, aes(x=lon, y=lat, size=(n_delpher)), shape=16, color = "blue")

invisible(ggarrange(times, delpher))

And here we have our results!

(The geocoded datasets are available at the Github repository.)


This notebook was created by Utrecht University Library, Digital Humanities Support

For questions and suggestions please email Ruben Schalk

Last updated on 29 augustus, 2022